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  5. Commercial Division

The Commercial Division , the main division to quantify the water consumed by the customers by taking meter reading, hand over the monthly bills on real time basis and to bring in  revenue from the sale of water.

Vision of the Commercial Division

Deliver the highest standard of Commercial solution to the customers we serve and Inspire public confidence in the process

Mission of the Commercial Division

Provide our customers with as near perfect billing, as near perfect service as is humanly possible with maximum convenience to them

Key functions to commercial division:

  • Ensure the new connection process.
  • Ensure the meter reading process
  • Billing and Collection
  • Reduction of Debt Age( Debt Control)
  • Legal Recovery Process
  • Different approach to Improve Recovery of Arrears
  • Internal and External Customer Satisfaction

Secondary functions to commercial division

  • Customer Management
  • Both conduct and Participation in the meeting
  • Performance Enhancement
  • Customer payments
  • Productivity Improvement
  • MIS process
  • Accounting treatment for Billing , Collections and Consumer Complaints Management

Contact Details

Commercial Division

National Water Supply & Drainage Board
Head Office, Galle Road, Ratmalana

Tel: 011-2635997
Fax: 011-2612568
Deputy General Manager
Mr. E. Weerasinghe
Tel: 011-2623182
Fax: 011-2612568
Email: dgmcomnwsdb@gmail.com
Assistant General Manager (Billing)
Mr. Nishantha Suranjith
Tel: 011-2626533
Fax: 011-2612568
Email: agmbilling@waterboard.lk
Assistant General Manager (Recoveries)(Act)
Ms. A. M.M. Samudra K. Abeysinghe
Tel: 011-2623184
Fax: 011-2612568
Email: agmrecoveries@waterboard.lk