The Environmental and Social Division (ESD) of National Water Supply & Drainage Board is headed by the Deputy General Manager (Environmental and Social) who reports to the Additional General Manager (Policy & Planning).
The ESD consists of three different sections each headed by an AGM reporting to DGM (Environmental and Social) on the subject matters of (i) Water Resources & Environment, (ii) Ground water Resources and (iii) Social Safeguards, Social inclusiveness and WASH.
What we do – ESD works towards the environmental sustainability and social responsibility into all key areas of NWSDB in planning, designing, construction and operational activities focusing on safeguarding water quality, ensuring water quantity, integrating climate resilience, environmental and social safeguard while recognizing the importance of gender inclusiveness.
The key functions of the ESD are outlined below.
Key Functions:
- Overall coordination of the Environmental Social Institutional Framework (ESIF).
- Support overall coordination at national level with relevant stakeholders for Water Allocation, Water Safety Plans, Disaster Management, Environmental Conservation, Climate Resilience and Community/Social engagement.
- Monitoring Water Safety Plans and attending Water Safety Audits to ensure safe drinking water.
- Support Social Safeguards, Social inclusiveness and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH).
- Contribution in policy development pertaining to Water Resources, Environmental & Social activities at national level.
- Support for enforcing water-related laws to regulate water use and protect drinking water resources including watersheds.
- Assistance for feasibility/ EIA studies of river upstream, impounding reservoirs.
- Capacity development of ESIF activities in coordination with Manpower Development and Training Division (MD&TD).
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health (WASH+H) Behaviour Change Videos.
- Coordinated the EIA of the Proposed Yatimahana Reservoir
- Addressed matters related to the Nilwala Salinity Barrier on behalf of NWSDB
- Assisted Ministry of Irrigation PMU in conceptual designs for Ambatale Salinity Barrier
- Assisted in preparation of ToR for EIA study of CEA for Proposed Pali Aru Reservoir Project
- Monitoring the catchment management programme including the pilot programs implemented through regional offices (Central, Southern, Uva) and reporting their progress.
- Monitoring and coordinating with regional sociologists to fill up the follow-up action in the Public Grievances Redress Management System by sending a reply to the customer/affected party through RSC DGMM.
Contact Details
National Water Supply & Drainage Board
Head Office, Galle Road, Ratmalana
Fax: 011-2623285
Deputy General Manager (Environmental and Social) (Act)
Fax: 011-2623285
Assistant General Manager
(Environmental & Water Resources)
Fax: 011-2623285
Assistant General Manager (Groundwater)
Tel : 011-2622911
Assistant General Manager (Sociology & WASH)
Tel : 011-2638102