The North Central Regional Support Center (RSC) of NWSDB was established in 2003. Under the present administrative setup the Deputy General Manager (DGM) heads the RSC. Under the preview of DGM Assistant General Manager (AGM) is looking after the development functions such as planning and design works related to local projects, planning works related to large-scale projects, implementation of rehabilitation and augmentation work of the existing schemes, ground water-based water supply project, and water resources management.
In terms of O&M activities, North Central Region consists of two O&M Managers for both Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa regions. Managers (O&M) are frequently guided by the DGM in their day-to-day O&M functions. As the considerable population within North Central province depends upon ground water, a well-established Ground Water section is attached to the RSC (NC).
At present, the numbers of water supply systems (As of September 2022) within the respective regions are as follows:
Anuradhapura Region – 21 water supply schemes, about 109,323 service connections
Polonnaruwa Region – 11 water supply schemes, about 56,816 service connections
Depending upon the number of service connections and size of the coverage area, an officer-in-charge (OIC) is appointed to manage the water supply schemes. In general, if there are over 5,000 service connections within a water system, then one senior Engineering assistant is appointed as the officer-in-charge. Otherwise, one officer manages several schemes, the number of schemes that depends upon the complexity of the schemes and the geography. Within the last decade, significant development and coverage expansions are highlighted in the North Central region. Therefore, two Area Engineers were there to facilitate the technical and administrative support to the OICs for their O&M functions in the Anuradhapura region.
Contact Us
Fax: 025-2225609
Additional General Manager
Fax: 025-2225609
Deputy General Manager
Fax: 025-2222295
Assistant General Manager
Fax: 025-2222295hhh